Blog: Understanding The Need For Rust Protection

Looking for rust under a Subaru

The answer is yes, you should do it. While there is a degree of rust protection that come from the factory when the car was made, the biggest expense now under the vehicle for rust besides the body panels themselves are break lines and fuel lines.

It used to be we did rust protection to protect the exhaust, but now every car manufacturer uses stainless steel equipment from the engine manifold all the way back to the tailpipe. You don’t rust through stainless steel, you get corrosion. That’s why we don’t do exhaust work anymore, but when you do rust protection under the vehicle you cut down on road noise, you protect the body panels and, again, you also protect the under components like fuel lines and break lines. Those are your most expensive items under there.

You don’t do rust protection on an electric vehicle. That has not been approved yet. If you buy an EV, they are not spraying or using the modules on these vehicles. The technology is not there yet.

Christine Mitchell, owner and principal of The Car Lady,  spent many years in the automotive industry as a technician, service advisor and salesperson. In 2001, she put her knowledge and experience together to start The Car Lady brand. She has driven hundreds of thousands of kilometres to help dealerships across Canada build customer relationships that increase both customer retention and customer satisfaction.